Wersja elektroniczna
w numerze:
in brief
Getting Back to the Liberal Arts
It’s Plane... It’s a Helicopter... no, It’s a Car!
“Hey, Taxi…to the Top of the Burj Khalifa, Please!”
How to Google Yourself a Polish Passport
moments in business history
Black Friday Is Born
A Post-Brexit World: Winners and Losers?
Tarnishing Brand Trump – Will Consumer Power Make any Difference?
Germany Legalises Cannabis for Medicinal Use
In Vitro Fertilisation:
Assisting the March to Later Child Rearing video/audio
The Dark Side of Silicon Valley video/audio
cover story
Lookin’ Smart video/audio
business profile
Flying High on Curated Chaos videoaudio
business woman
Susan Wojcicki: the Web’s Wonder Woman videoaudio
business trends
Buying Your Clothing Online? You’re not Alone audio
The Commercial Kingsaudio
managing people
Reputation Mattersaudio
Kim and Mauborgne – Blue Ocean Strategyvideo/audio
Iran – an Unexpected Middle Eastern Jewelvideo/audio
Chaos in Cupertino – Has Apple Peaked?audio
business language
Workplace Dialogues – Telephone Breakdowns
Language Test
influential people
book & film reviews
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Business English Magazine skierowany jest do menedżerów, dyrektorów, właścicieli firm, pracowników międzynarodowych przedsiębiorstw, ekonomistów, specjalistów, studentów, ludzi aktywnych i otwartych na świat oraz do wszystkich, którym w pracy potrzebny jest język angielski biznesowy.
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