w numerze:
Eye-Popping Recruiting Strategies
Black Belt Ninja Recruiting – Secrets of the Headhuntersaudio
company culture
Bending Over Backwards to Become Agileaudio
The Gig Economy – Empowering or Unavoidable?
The New Kids on the Blockaudio
A Good Day at the Office: Redefining Workspaces
pay and benefits
Financial Wellness in the Workforceaudio
Creative Compensationaudio
Ghosts in the Machineaudio
performance management
Appraisals Get the Elbowaudio
Voice of the Customer
employee engagement
Employee Experience – Rethinking Engagementaudio
learning and development
Game On!audio
Self-directed Learningaudio
HR technology
Automated HRaudio
HR manager
A Brief History of HRaudio
HR Manager Profileaudio
business language
Human Resources Vocabulary
Workplace Dialogues – A Thorny Issue
Language Test
book & film
HR at the Movies
The HR Manager's Reading List
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Business English Magazine skierowany jest do menedżerów, dyrektorów, właścicieli firm, pracowników międzynarodowych przedsiębiorstw, ekonomistów, specjalistów, studentów, ludzi aktywnych i otwartych na świat oraz do wszystkich, którym w pracy potrzebny jest język angielski biznesowy.
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