This and That
A Selection of Festivals – All Year Round
Coachella in California
Bizarre UK Festivals
People and Lifestyle
Guy Fawkes and the Bonfires?audio
Saint Patrick of Irelandaudio
Communities Across the UKaudio
Burns Night, a Celebration of the People’s Poetaudio
Halloween – How Americans Celebrate Deathaudio
Thanksgiving Day – the Puritan Celebration, Now and Thenaudio
The Fourth of July – A Declaration of Independenceaudio
British Christmas Traditionsaudio
The History of Valentine’s Day
Can You Flip it? – the Pancake Craze
Festival for Fans of Fashionaudio
Conversation Matters
At the Christmas Tableaudio
Easter Dictionary
New Year in Londonaudio
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot
Adaptations of A Christmas Carol
Rack your Brain
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