Wydanie specjalne: English Week by week - Angielski tydzień po tygodniu
Kalendarz uniwersalny (na dowolny rok)
To wydanie specjalne English Matters liczy 100 stron i zostało opracowane w formie bezterminowego kalendarza - sam decydujesz, kiedy rozpoczynasz naukę. Na każdy tydzień roku przygotowane zostały dwie strony. Treść stanowią mini-artykuły, ćwiczenia, gramatyka i jak zawsze w English Matters - spora dawka przydatnego słownictwa.
Spis treści:
The Seven Days of the Week
This & That
Seven Idioms of the Week
Modals in the Past
Pronouncements at the Pub
Commonly Confused Words
Little Black Lies Review
The Greatest Vloggers of All Time
The History of Good and Evil
Assessing Absolutely Anything
Native Speakers Amongst Us
Profession: Coolhunter
National Geographic’s Champions
Biscuits and the British
Diseases of the 21st Century
New Seven Wonders of the World
Fancy Food
Two Irelands
Stephen King, King Of Suspense
Seven Ways of Expressing the Future
York – a Historic and Vibrant City
100 Words Which People Often Get Wrong
As Polarising as O.J. Simpson
Verbs Expressing Movement
Day by Day
Little by Little
Beverages in English
Talk Around the Office
Variations of English Collocations
100 Nightmarish English Words for Poles
Elasticity of the Heart
Amy Winehouse: The Life of a Rockstar
Mr Bean’s Car – The History of the Mini
Mini Crossword Puzzles
Seven Ways of Learning English by Listening
North and South Lesson
Seven Super Similes
Seven Riddles for Seven Days
Seven Super Sayings
Order of Adjectives
Do You Mind? – the Indirect Questions’ Story
The Cracking World of Eggs
DDLG – Daddy Dom Little Girl Relationships
At the Gym
The Chirping Therapy
Helena Bonham Carter – the Corset Queen
Fifty Fine Acronyms
The Traditional Fish and Chips
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